May Day Marvels: Unveiling the Ultimate Fusion Design Guide for TEFAF New York

May Day Marvels

Unveiling the Ultimate Fusion Design Guide for TEFAF New York

IMG_0135Arriving to a Floral Cascade

s the calendar turns to May 1st, ushering in the delights of spring and the promise of renewal, there's an electrifying buzz in the air. Why? Because from May 10-14th, the prestigious TEFAF New York 2024 unfolds, promising a tapestry of artistic splendour and cultural immersion.

'Showcasing works from nearly 90 leading international
galleries from 15 countries and 4 continents. Some of the most unique &
captivating objects of modern and contemporary art, jewellery, ancient art and design will grace the halls ... situated on Manhattan's Upper
East Side.'
- TEFAF 2024

Reflecting on my indelible experience at TEFAF Maastricht, I'm swept away by a wave of nostalgia. That weekend was a tapestry woven with threads of awe and inspiration as I delved into a world of art and antiquities, traversing through exquisite exhibitions and engaging in enriching dialogues with dealers and collectors from every corner of the globe. Meandering along the cobblestone streets of Maastricht, I found myself enchanted by the city's storied past and vibrant culture, stumbling upon treasures at every twist and turn.

So now, on the brink of TEFAF New York 2024, let's embark on a journey to celebrate May Day with the artistic splendors of TEFAF, crafting spaces that are not only beguiling but also avant-garde. TEFAF stands as a beacon of excellence and it is this wellspring of creativity and innovation that serves as our muse.

Together, let us unlock the secrets to crafting spaces that embrace cutting-edge artistry and unveil the blueprint for interiors that transcend the boundaries of time, marrying the classic with the contemporary in a symphony of style and sophistication.

Practical Tips for Fusion Design:


Incorporate Artistic Inspirations:
Delve into the world of art history to uncover hidden gems that can inspire your fusion design. Did you know that the geometric patterns found in Islamic art can serve as a stunning motif for modern interiors? Consider incorporating elements such as arabesques and tessellations to add depth and visual interest to your space. Additionally, explore the concept of synesthesia, where the blending of different senses, such as sight and sound, can influence design choices. Let the harmonious melodies of classical music or the vibrant hues of a masterpiece painting guide your selection of colours and textures.

TNY23-Fair7-JulianCassady-4PxMEY4435yrFu Prepare to be astounded, enthralled and slightly overwhelmed by stand after stand of beautiful objets d'art

Choose Statement Furniture Pieces:
Look beyond traditional furniture materials to discover innovative options that elevate your fusion design to new heights. For example, explore the world of sustainable design by incorporating pieces made from reclaimed materials or eco-friendly alternatives. Bamboo, for example is known for its strength and durability, and can be transformed into sleek, modern furniture that complements both traditional and contemporary aesthetics? Embrace the beauty of nature while reducing your environmental footprint with furniture choices that make a statement in more ways than one.

TEFAF New York exhibitors such as Adrian Sassoon or Modernity Stockholm are great for unique finds that combine traditional craftsmanship with modern design sensibilities.


Bildschirmfoto-2024-04-30-um-18-37-44 Statement furniture from the wonderful Galerie Jacques Lacoste in Paris who specialise in French XXth century furniture & design


Accessorise with Artisanal Finds:
Uncover the stories behind artisanal treasures to add depth and character to your fusion design. Many artisanal crafts are passed down through generations, preserving cultural traditions and techniques that would otherwise be lost to time. Support local artisans and fair-trade practices by seeking out handmade decor items that celebrate craftsmanship and cultural heritage. From intricately woven textiles to hand-blown glassware, each artisanal piece adds a unique touch of authenticity and soul to your interior space.

Explore the TEFAF New York exhibitor list for artisanal brands offering distinctive accessories and decor items. From handcrafted ceramics to sculptural objets d'art, infuse your space with pieces that showcase the skill and creativity of contemporary artisans. For us Europeans, the TEFAF in Maastricht (March 2025) is also a great option to keeping it local.


Adrian-Sasoon_TEFAF-2024_NYAdrian Sasoon in London who offer contemporary ceramics, hardstone, precious metals and glass

Embrace Eclectic Elegance:

Explore the concept of wabi-sabi, the Japanese aesthetic philosophy that celebrates imperfection and impermanence. Incorporate elements of wabi-sabi into your fusion design by embracing the beauty of natural materials and embracing the patina of aged objects.

In wabi-sabi a vintage piece with visible signs of wear and tear can add character and charm to a modern interior? Often the imperfections are repaired with gold and other precious metals to highlight their value, even with imperfections. Embrace the imperfect beauty of handmade ceramics, weathered wood, and rusted metal to create a space that exudes warmth and authenticity.

annie-spratt-Zl1Y3v8pB3E-unsplash_wasisabiGFezSWdEoUN8lWhat doesn't break, only gets stronger...

Curate a Gallery Wall:
Dive into the world of art curation to create a gallery wall that tells a captivating story. The  arrangement of artwork evokes different emotions and moods depending on its composition, so  experiment with the placement of paintings, photographs, and other artworks to create visual harmony and balance.

Consider incorporating unexpected elements such as mirrors, sculptures, and decorative objects to add dimension and intrigue to your gallery wall. Whether you opt for a symmetrical arrangement or a more eclectic mix, let your gallery wall reflect your unique personality and style for a truly personalised touch.

Also think about showcasing your own collection of artworks; contemporary, handdrawn or printed alongside classical masterpieces such as those of TEFAF New York exhibitors, to create an amazing and unexpected WOW-effect. Create a fusion gallery wall that tells a story, combining family heirlooms, personal photographs, and acquired treasures in a curated display of artistic expression.



Junique_UpsidedownGirl_Poster                           Galerie Marcilhac in Paris who deal with xxth century decorative art pieces.
                    And a bit of fun from Junique. A piece called 'Upside Down Girl'


TEFAF New York 2024 G&H Picks

  • Adrian Sassoon: UK's leading gallery for international works of decorative art and antique 18th century French porcelain.

  • Modernity Stockholm: Modernity specialises in the collection and sale of rare and high-grade furniture, ceramics, glass, lighting and jewellery by the most renowned Scandinavian designers of the 20th century.

  • Galerie Marcilhac: The Galerie was founded in 1969 by Félix Marcilhac Sr. It has been ever since recognised as one of oldest Parisian galleries devoted exclusively to 20th century French decorative arts.

  • Yves Macaux Gallery: Specialised in the Viennese Secessionist movement and the Wiener Werkstätte, his focus is on early abstract works of the turn of the 20th century often considered as the birth of the design.

  • Galerie Jacques Lacoste: Jacques Lacoste has been dealing in 20th-century decorative arts since 1997, and is renowned for rediscovering and promoting French designs from the 1930s and 1950s.

  • Laffanour/Galerie Downtown: When François Laffanour opened Galerie Downtown in Paris in 1982, he quickly realised that the importance of the work of Le Corbusier, Prouvé, Perriand and Jeanneret had to be recognised. Thanks to the patient but unflagging work of the gallery, these fascinating figures where rediscovered and the reputation associated with architects’ furniture
    to this day.


Ready to infuse your space with the timeless elegance of May Day and the artistic brilliance of TEFAF New York 2024? Explore our fusion tips and master fusion interiors at home with our upcoming design course. There's still time to put yourself on the waiting list! Discover how to create a space that embodies the perfect blend of tradition and innovation.

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Let's elevate your interior design to new heights together!


IMG_0474Feeling like you are in another world entirely



 May Day Marvels: Unveiling the Ultimate Fusion Design Guide for TEFAF New York was first published here at



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